Tuesday 19 March 2013

Trick your kids into eating greens with Kale chips!

I'm feeling super smug with myself today after managing to finish all of the Autumn planting at the start of Autumn - a rare occurrence for me!

This year I've added in a whole 2 new rows of Kale after successfully tricking my kids into eating this leafy green vege that is possibly the best vegetable you could ever get your kids to eat (1 point to Mum - kids nil - ha ha!)

So what's the secret? Kale chips!

  • Get a bunch of Kale (either from your garden or from a decent grocer - Coles or Safeway aren't quite there yet as far as I know). 
  • You cut it up like you would if you were going to boil it.
  • Whack it onto a baking tray.
  • Massage some oil into it - Olive or Rice Bran are my preferences. 
  • Sprinkle over some stock - (I use Herbamare from Safeway because it doesn't contain all the nasties that normal stock does) and some Savoury Yeast Flakes if you want extra flavour (from a health store). 

  • Chuck it all in the oven for about 10 minutes and you have crispy, crunchy Kale Chips! 

It took my kids about 2-3 times of observing me eating Kale chips before they would go near them. My youngest son was the first to try them (cause he hadn't yet clued onto green being gross) and the other 2 followed suit about 5 lots of Kale chips later. Now they eat them daily - it's their favourite afternoon snack, and sometimes I put them on the side of their dinner which they view as a 'treat'! The trick - don't force them on them, and don't give up. Just eat them yourself and they'll eventually catch on.

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