Friday 15 March 2013

Preservative 220 - why does it get a bad rap?


Hmmmm now here's an interesting topic. I don't really like to focus too much on topics where I'm trying to convince people not to eat something, because not being able to eat something you love is, well, kinda boring and annoying.

But this isn't really about you, it's more so about your kids. I am really, really concerned about the state of the food in our supermarkets, and I am really really concerned that we are feeding it to our kids. 

Now I could talk to you about 100 different preservatives, additives and flavours and why you should avoid them but that would just overwhelm you! So what I'm going to do is just tackle them one at a time, starting with my least favourite.

So why is it my least favourite? Well for a start in it's in all the things that my kids love - dried fruit, fresh meat, coconut and potato chips (and in things that we adults love, like wine and beer!)

The only 2 items that I could find in my house containing 220 because I detest it so much! 

Secondly, it makes all of the childhood illnesses our poor kids suffer from, so much worse! If your kids suffer from asthma, bronchiolitis, croup, skin rashes or food sensitivity - DO NOT LET THEM CONSUME 220 ( and I really really mean it especially for asthma - it can trigger attacks). 

So what is 220 and how do you know how to detect it?

220 is Sulphur Dioxide. A gas that is sprayed on fruit/ veges etc during the drying process. It preserves them and stops them from losing their colour. You'll find it in dried sultanas, raisons, apricots, and most dried fruits. You'll also find it in your dessicated coconut, soft drinks, and fresh meat. It's bloody everywhere! Check the back of your packets in the supermarket for either 220, Sulphur Dioxide, Sulphites or 'May contain traces of Sulphur'. 

Once you start taking notice, you'll probably notice what it does to your kids. My kids go nuts on it - like running round the supermarket crazy kind of nuts, when just a few minutes before someone was commenting on how well behaved they are. My daughter suffers from asthma and I don't let her near it - ever. 

And for you - it's in all of your wine and beer. My husband actually figured it out before me that it was the 220 causing his hangovers not the alcohol content. Since we've ditched red wine and he's switched to boutique beer we haven't had any more problems (that does depend on the amount consumed though I would like to add as a disclaimer!)

The good news is that it's fairly easy to avoid 220 these days. There are a number of Organic ranges of dried fruit in the supermarkets and buying preservative free meat is fairly easy too. Wine and beer are available preservative free if you look in an Organic shop. 

The amazing range of Organic wine at my local Organic shop - most under $30!

And can I add one more thing? ( Stop reading now if you hate politics!!)  I used to place my faith in Government watchdogs to protect me from these sort of issues. I'd think "Well they wouldn't let us eat it if it wasn't safe". I've been researching this stuff for 5 years now, and unfortunately that thinking is just not true. The only person that can keep you and your kids safe is you - you have to educate yourself. 220 is banned in the States on fruit and veges and advised not to be given to anybody with breathing issues. Our Government hasn't followed suit, so I vote with my dollar! 

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