Wednesday 3 April 2013

Stay sane with Naturopathy!

Like most Mother's, every year at about this time I start noticing the days on the calendar are slowly counting down towards June, July and August. I used to get a sick feeling in my stomach just thinking about it, because inevitably as soon as the temperature goes under 20 degrees, the germs and crazy viruses with funky names like 'Slap Cheek' 'Hand, foot and mouth' and 'School Sores' would line up at my door with 3 months worth of mucus, coughs and headaches stored in their bags- ready to dish them out at the mere mention of a date night, work deadline or family holiday being planned. 

These days I don't start hyperventilating or running around in a mad disinfecting panic come the Winter months. Over the last 2 years I've joined the scores of Mother's out there turning to Naturopathy to keep them sane as they hear their Dr advise them for the gazillionith time that "It's a just virus, there's nothing we can give him so just let him rest, give him plenty of fluids and bring him back in a week if he's no better". 

So what is Naturopathy and how can it help you get through this Winter with a smile on your face? 

"Naturopathy is a holistic system of healing that incorporates a range of treatments and natural therapies, with the underlying belief that your body is able to fight infection and disease itself, given the right support. While conventional medicine is preoccupied with treating the symptoms of a disease or illness, naturopathy takes a more holistic approach to healthcare with a patients overall health a priority. Naturopaths are typically accredited by national associations, which ensure that they have undergone the required training, and comply with the highest standards of naturopathic practice" (Natural Therapy Pages 2010)

Here are the reasons that I love Naturopathy:
  • If my kids wake at 2am with an ear infection/ croup/ gastro or other bug I have everything I need on hand to treat them and can have them well by morning. Gone are the days of them crying all night in pain, then trying to find a GP open on a Sunday (cause they always get sick on Sundays and public holidays right?!)
  • It saves me an absolute fortune! A naturopathic treatment costs on average $15 as opposed to a prescription of antibiotics at $40 (which you then have to throw out - naturopathic treatments are safe to store pretty much forever!)
  • I feel empowered as a mother that I can treat my children whenever and wherever I need.
  • Naturopathy is so incredibly safe. There are no warnings on the dosages of side effects that are worse than the illness you currently have, and it doesn't cause havoc with your body like antibiotics do.
  • Naturopath's trust your knowledge and instinct as a Mother. They hear you when you say "I know it sounds stupid, but I just have this feeling that something isn't right".They listen and question you until the cause of your concern is uncovered and can be treated.
  • Naturopathy doesn't just treat the symptoms, it uncovers the cause and looks at all areas of your life to determine what might be causing your symptoms. 
If you want to find a Naturopath practitioner near you, check out 

I encourage you to take your family's healthcare into your own hands, trust your instinct and arm yourself with knowledge about the alternatives to Western medicine that are out there. You will be amazed at what you discover, and a good GP (such as mine!) will happily work with your naturopath to treat you. 

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