Tuesday 9 April 2013

Green Smoothies and my 30 day challenge

So I'm at the halfway point now in my 30 day skin cleansing challenge and feeling great! I've put together all sorts of concoctions with my juicer - some awesome, some disgusting! (Note to self - don't -put in too much ginger!)

As with any dietary change though, you have to make sure that what you're doing is sustainable. For me, I've really been struggling with juicing every day, twice a day. It's not the taste or anything, or it's more the time commitment. Juicing requires lugging the juicer out of the cupboard, finding and prepping the fruit and veges, juicing and then cleaning up the juicer. For me it was taking a good 15-20 minutes each time. For some people that's no problem - but when you've got 3 kids to get dressed and fed, a half hour drive to work, exercise and semi-tidying the house it was just all too much.

So I went back to my old time favourite - the green smoothie. A green smoothie is where you use your blender and add the following:

  • A base (ie apple juice, coconut water or filtered water)
  • A fruit (banana, pear, berries - whatever you like)
  • Acid (lemon juice)
  • Greens (Kale, Cos lettuce, spinach etc)
  • Power! (bee pollen, maca, spirulina etc)

These are so incredibly good for you and quick to make. The best part is that you're blending up the fibre and drinking it too - unlike a juicer which removes all of the good fibre.

Here's the recipe that I'm using at the moment if you want to give the green smoothie a go:

  • 1/2 cup coconut water
  • 1/4 cup apple juice
  • 2 Tb blueberries
  • 1/4 banana
  • 1 cup kale
  • 2 large cos lettuce leaves
  • 1tsp maca powder (optional)
  • 1tsp Loving Earth Rainbow blend (optional)
Whack it all in the blender and enjoy! (Best to drink it within 15 minutes as otherwise the good nutrients start to get destroyed)

Oh, and my skin? It's feeling great! Softer, smoother, clearer and I've had a few comments of "You're skin's looking clearer - what are you doing?"  - Yippppeeeeeeeeee!!!

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