Monday 11 March 2013

The Warriors of the Rainbow

"When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear. When that happens, The Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them."

I read this Indian prophecy on facebook last week, as Greenpeace explained how the ship 'The Rainbow Warrior' got it's name. I don't know how you felt when you read that, but it gave me goosebumps. 

Sometimes, just thinking about the damage we've done to this earth is shit scary! I've stood on the dry banks of rivers that I used to jump into for summer after summer and thought "Well that's crap". I've been totally pissed off watching the government cunningly twist medical information out of proportion to scare poor Mum's into feeding their children inappropriate food - the fat cats then laughing all the way to the bank (yeah, good one guys). And I've felt that sick, sick feeling in my stomach every time I turned on the 6,0'clock news  as the inconsiderate media covers story after story of some poor family's personal tragedy. 

But lately I've felt a shift. I've gotten rid of the tele and stopped buying magazines about druggy celebs  so the media can no longer enter our sacred family space and provoke anxiety. I've ignored the government's scare tactics and felt healthier for it. And in the past few months, I've started talking to people, like really talking to people (ok, so maybe it's more that I've started listening a bit more too!) People I would never have spoken to before, about issues I had never considered. And I'm excited! There are some really amazing people in this world scheming up brilliant ways to ensure our Earth and our people will be healthy, happy and free for generations to come.

Today I took my family blueberry picking at a gorgeous farm on the Bellarine Peninsula which I am so lucky to call my home. I happened to notice a sign, on an old corrugated shed around the corner from the cafe, which said 'Bellarine Produce Barn'. I popped my head in and found Tom and David having a chat about this and that. We struck up a conversation, and before I knew it, Tom had me mesmerised by his grand plans for my local community. He has opened a small space, with beautiful produce from all of the local suppliers. His grand plan is to make this a community hub, where we can eat local, fresh food. He sees such hubs popping up all around the Bellarine. My goodness that would be amazing - no food miles, less housing development on fertile land, a community where we knew who grew our food and how and when. Eating with the seasons and no chemicals in our children's bodies. (Oh, and saving me an hours worth of driving to my local market every Monday - yeah I'm up for that!)

The Buy Bellarine Produce Barn - you can smell how good it is just looking at this photo right?!  

And it's not just Tom and David doing these good things - these people are everywhere! They're popping up like Meerkats just waiting for someone to hear them and support them. Please listen to them if you come across them - hear their story and their passion (That's not too hard with Tom and David - they won't let you leave that shed without a good understanding of what they're about - good on them!) I have that nice, warm fuzzy 'this feels so right' feeling (you know the type that you should always listen to!) in my stomach that these people are our future - we need to support them and nurture their businesses so that they can support and nurture our families and our Earth. And shit, if they are the warriors of the rainbow, we don't want to miss being a part of that!

Picking berries at the farm
My low food miles Rhubarb, Blueberry and Almond Cake with produce from the barn - mmmmmm! 

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