Wednesday 6 February 2013

Creamy Quinoa Pudding

Here's a creamy crunchy healthy alternative for an evening pudding that is super fast to make. I love that it is gluten, dairy, sugar, egg and wheat free - and the kids love it! If I can't get my kids to eat their dinner then this is what I make - Quinoa is a superfood meaning that it has loads of good nutrients in it and a low glycemic index, so you can feel like an awesome parent even though you're feeding your kids pudding for dinner - Win/ Win situation!

1 cup flaked quinoa
2 Tb honey
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla (I use the ground paste but the essence will be fine too)
2 cups rice milk (or your choice of milk )
1 cup coconut milk

Mix all together in a saucepan and simmer until thick (about 15 mins ) stirring often to prevent it burning.

Dish up and if you like, add some crushed almonds and poached Quinces ( please let me know if you want this recipe as it's almost Quince season! ) or your favourite fruit (peaches, apricots, stewed apple etc ).

Here's a little bit more info about Quinoa for those that aren't familiar with it:

  • Quinoa is pronounced "Keen-wah" 
  • It is an ancient grain from South America and means 'Mother Grain' because of its super food properties
  • It is purchased from the health aisle of your supermarket or any health/ organics store 
  • It costs about $5 for 250g which is quite pricey compared to rice or oats (I'll talk more in another post about why I choose to spend money on good quality food though)
  • It is the only food that contains 9 essential amino acids (I won't go into detail about amino acids but basically you need 'em , and Quinoa has 'em! No other food has as many as Quinoa so it's a super clever seed for feeding you up nutritionally! )

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