Sunday 3 February 2013

Chocolate Red Velvet Muffin Delights

Camping tomorrow! I have camping boxes everywhere, it is pouring with rain and I need to oversee my daughters very optimistic packing options (tutu’s and ballet shoes for a 19 degree camping trip?! ) but before I rush off to finish what I have barely started, I really wanted to share with you this recipe that I have created to use up the abundance of beetroot that is coming out of my garden right now. It’s a gluten free, sugar free, dairy free delight ( if I do say so myself! ) and the start of many more healthy baking alternatives for you – because it really is so easy to substitute sugar, flour and butter to keep you and your little one’s healthy – try it for yourself!
Chocolate Red Velvet Muffins
(The perfect little people’s picnic snack! )

Gluten free, dairy free*, wheat free, sugar free


1 large fresh beetroot (or 3 small )
175g gluten free flour
1tsp gluten free baking powder
2 Tb cocoa
2 free range eggs
¼ cup milk of your choice (cows, rice, soy )
¼ cup oil of your choice ( I use rice bran )
60g softened butter (*or coconut oil if you are dairy intolerant )
1 cup dates ( if dried – soaked for 10 mins in boiling water  first)
½ cup honey
  1. Trim edges off beetroot and grate by hand or use attachment on food processor ( the easiest option! )
  2. Sift dry ingredients together in a bowl
  3. Whisk eggs and milk together in a separate bowl
  4. Leave beetroot in food processor and add dates, honey, butter (or coconut oil ) and oil. Process until smooth and creamy.
  5. Gradually add milk/ egg mixture and process again, then add to dry ingredients.
  6. Fold together gently.
  7. Spoon into muffin tins ( I use the mini muffin tins as I think they’re the perfect size for a muffin )
  8. Optional: – Break off a small square of dark chocolate and push into the centre of each muffin. This really makes them taste amazing! ( * Note, if you are dairy free, then make sure you use a dairy free chocolate )
  9. Bake for 15 – 20 minutes in a pre-heated moderate oven
  10. Leave to cool for 5 – 10 mins before turning out onto a cooling rack.
  11. Enjoy!

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